After dinner, we went to the public children playground and behaved like the kids… >.< We lit the candles & also lanterns and placed them around the slide… Basically, we were dirtying the playground as all the kids did… Lolz… After that, we did something more adultness and tradition but illegally; we flew a BIG lantern called “kung ming deng” in Mandarin… Everyone wrote their wishes on it and lit that on… The higher it flies the bigger chances your dreams would be fulfilled… When it was started to fly up the sky, it hits on a VERY TALL tree… Then, it started falling down… Which means…we were so freaked off!!! But luckily, it flew up again before it actually hits on someone’s window… ~~phew~~
The chocolate cake!!!
All the ingredients we have...
Preparing or taste adding??? (The so called "soup" was actually a bowl of water... haha)
Ready to eat!!! Woohoo!!!
The porridge steamboat... Better than the soup I'd say... ^^
SMALL kids playing with lanterns...
Group picture on the slide...
Writing wishes...
Pointing at our wishes...
My wish... Can you see what's that??
It took us quite LONG to make that flies... Almost an hour i guess...
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