Tuesday, 23 February 2010


Very itchy AAaahHHH!!! Damn stupid itchy rashes!!!

Yesterday, i suddenly have this skin allergy problem.. Having itchy rashes all over from my waist level till my neck, as well as my ears! As what quoted by Dr. Martin, it has to be cured IMMEDIATELY before it goes up to my face and causing me short of breath.. BUT as what we've expected from the general hospital, they just let me WAIT without giving me any immediate and proper injections! Damn it!!

THANKS to Dr. Martin, i finally got my injections much faster than it was supposed to. Just a few minutes after the injections, ALL the rashes are GONE! If only you guys could work more efficiently, i won't have suffered so long by waiting 3 hours you know!

When i thought everything would be fine after that...but unfortunately...it is NOT... This morning when i woke up, the stupid itchy rashes are back AGAIN! This time, the rashes are projecting downwards from my waist level...not that bad still... After i had the medicine, it stops spreading, finally.. Phew~

Since i didn't eat anything (except a glass of Milo) for breakfast, i started to feel hungry before my lunch is packed. Therefore, i just grabbed anything that's reachable from me in the room...which is the Munchy's chocolate hazelnut wafer cubes~ Few minutes after eating that, i can feel that my body is itchy-ing again.......not again.....

Now, both my arms and hands are full of rashes...a bit on my back and my shoulder...over my waist and my buttock....and a bit on the my thighs and my legs... Come on, STOP spreading PLEASE!!! AAaaarrRRGGGGggggghhHH!!!!!

Thinking back...
...yesterday after eating a piece of biscuit (containing peanuts), my body suddenly feel itchy...
...after that, we went to Kajang and had satay (with the peanuts-like gravy) for dinner, then the rashes are getting worse...
...then today after eating the hazelnut biscuits, i realised, the rashes are getting worse AGAIN!!!

Don't tell me that i'm seriously allergy to nuts man!! I LOVE nuts!! How can i SUDDENLY allergic to nuts!?!? This is so unfair!! No way!! AAaarrGGgggHHHH!!! ITCHY like HELL!!! (>.<)

Thursday, 18 February 2010





每次要我们帮忙时 脾气也不可以好一点



如果你要别人尊敬你 那你就要先懂得如何尊敬别人

这点礼仪我们每个人都懂 就只有你不懂

脾气有限的我 也就更不可能每次都吞下那口气来迁就你

每次都不觉得那是你自己的错 不懂得体谅 又不肯聆听



如果我可以有三个愿望的话 我的其中一个愿望就是




要忍的 我还是会忍

要讲的 我还是会讲

要帮的 我还是会帮

但我还是很期待 你会有‘醒’过来的那天


Monday, 1 February 2010


最近 朋友突然唤醒了我的灵感
我一直都有着这个概念觉得说 东方人都大部分比较保守 为啥呢?
从小 我就很少看到爸妈一起手牵手地逛街 好像是从来都没看过吧
记忆中 他们也很少会牵起我的小手
也不晓得为啥 我从小时候就对‘牵手’这东西很陌生
还记得 以前姐姐都超爱在百货公司突然牵起我的手
但我都会很迅速 很狠心地甩开她的手 哈哈!
当然 我不是故意的 只是觉得有点很不自在而已嘛~ ;p

但是去年在英国的时候 偶然中认识了这位来自广东的朋友
跟她认识也不算太久 但有一天晚上送她回家时 她却突然牵起我的手
顿时有被惊吓到 但我却没有反抗 原因也只有一个
。。。是因为 天气实在是太冷了啦。。。
当下我才领悟到 原来牵手的其中一个好处就是可以互相取暖啊~
过后我就心想 外国的情侣大部分都很常会亲密的牵手啊拥抱啊什么的
那是因为天气冷的关系 然后就慢慢成为了他们的习惯 

那么恩爱一起手牵手的老夫妻 在国外是很常见的
但在大马是少之又少吧 原因是因为天气太热 很容易流汗的关系吗?
我记得 在台湾的太鲁阁也曾看过一对一头白发的老夫妻恩爱地手牵手
那画面真的很感人 可惜我来不及掏出我的相机 他们就不见了~
如果可以的话 那就真的是很幸福了~

~爱情这东西 还是一切随缘吧~
总有一天 我一定会找到一个爱我比我更爱他的另一半
与我一起白头偕老吧~ (^o^)